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Snap.Build® helps builders get seamless access to construction funding. Don’t let limited financing prevent you from building again.


Your current financing limits the number of projects that you can have running simultaneously

Your current financing limits the number of spec construction that you can do

You need more room on your credit line

You are turning away projects because of your current financing


Snap.Build® provides builders with land and spec funding for projects, as well as: Competitive pricing and terms with a possible three-week close, pending approval; Enhancements to current bank lines.


Our financing services support residential construction builders with single-family residences, duplexes, 1-4 multi-family projects and residential vertical construction projects. 


We provide our own funding management system, with 24-7 access to all construction project funding. A single system improves project efficiency and timely completions.

Non-recourse loans offered

No cash needed at closing

Complimentary online tool for managing projects

Reduces back-office tasks like paying subcontractors directly

No limit on Spec Building

Fund 100% of vertical budget

Easier process to get funds versus banks

Building consultant on staff to support your needs

Process enables simultaneous building projects

Q How much of my own money do I need to put into a deal with Snap.Build®?

Capital expenditures from builders typically apply in two areas:

  1. Cash to buy land
  2. Any financing shortfalls in the vertical construction budget. Our goal is to cover 100% of the vertical construction costs, but when our loan-to-value (LTV) maximums are not enough to cover all of the vertical construction costs, the builder would be required to pay the remainder of those costs out of pocket.

Our program is incredibly cash-flow friendly for our builders. Our builders typically do not bring cash to close since we do not require builder capital contributions or down payments. All fees (settlement, origination, etc) are built into the financing, so most builders do not contribute cash at the close of their construction loan. Snap.Build ® also includes 12 months of interest payments in the financing, so builders don’t make monthly debt-service payments over the 12-month term.

Q What are your capital lending limits for loan-to-value (LTV) and loan-to-cost (LTC)?

We lend up to a LTV of 75% and an LTC of 95% of appraised value.

Q Can I finance land as well?

The ability to finance land depends on the deal. Snap.Build® is able to include money for land acquisition, provided it is covered by the 75% LTV, and we are able to offer up to 50% of the cost of the land. For land to be covered, it must be entitled and shovel-ready. While we do not offer financing for land that needs to be developed, we have relationships with lenders that do.

Q How quickly can I get approved and funded?

At Snap.Build®, we have a two-step approval process for loans to builders. Here’s how our process works:

  1. Step 1: A one-time approval where we consider the credit-worthiness of the builder. Once we have received a completed builder application form, approval decisions usually occur within a few weeks.
  2. Step 2: After a builder has been approved, we approve each project individually for land & spec funding as well as new construction funding. This process takes an average of one month to complete, with third-party reports, appraisals and surveys taken into consideration. Once we have the necessary reports, we can underwrite and fund within three weeks.
Q Do I have to use your back-office management technology?

Yes, we require that all builders use our technology as a part of our lending services. This allows us to offer builders more access to capital, have more starts, do more specs, and grow their business to make more money.


Snap.Build® is a revolutionary lender that connects builders with the capital they need to start and complete projects. With fast payments and increased flexibility on the amount of projects funded, financing your projects is simple.

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Snap.Build works with experienced, professional residential builders. Snap.Build does not loan money to individuals looking to build their own personal residence.


I am an experienced professional residential builder

You are interested in land acquisition and development financing

Offers land acquisition and development financing